Take Me to Carnival Collection People of Color Beauty

Spring/Summer Collection is Here!

We are so excited with the launch of the Take Me to Carnival collection. Everyone deserves fun and vibrance, and we believe this collection brings our beauties just that!

The Take Me to Carnival collection is a continuation of our “For the Culture” theme that originally launched in Spring 2020. This collection celebrates Caribbean culture specifically in the storytelling of Carnival.


Meet Fete

This neon fuchsia was inspired by the parties that take place during the Carnival season, which are typically themed or have performances by top musicians and DJs. This color represents the fun, freedom, and lifestyle of Carnival.



Meet Revel

This glittery silver was inspired by the Carnival partygoers, known as revelers. Most revelers dress in colorful costumes as they partake in the festivities. This color represents a beautiful mix of all the colors seen during the celebration.



Meet Calypso

This bright orange was inspired by the rhythms of Calypso music, which originated in Trinidad and Tobago, and spread throughout the West Indies. The music became a means for storytelling and communicating among African slaves working on the islands. This color represents the various music and rhythms of the islands and Carnival.



Meet Island Vibes

This deep emerald green was inspired by the special way of life that comes from the islands and this green celebrates the vibes of the Caribbean culture. This color represents the lush nature of the islands, full of natural resources and a variety of fruits.



Meet Masquerade

This rich purple was inspired by the Carnival costumes and participants who get dressed up and march in the parade, also known as “playing mas.” The mas players represent the various musical bands by wearing their costumes, dancing, and singing along the Carnival parade route. This color represents the boldness and vibrancy of the Caribbean cultures.



Meet Carib

This golden yellow was inspired by the cultural and natural richness of the Caribbean islands and its people. The Caribbean islands are made up of 25 independent countries and other territories. This color represents the pride of the Caribbean islands, the beautiful sunsets, and the Kings and Queens of the Carnival bands.


Shop the Take Me to Carnival Collection!

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