LA Sentinel

LA Sentinel

Check out our write up in the LA Sentinel for the Taste of Soul event we will be vending at on October 15, 2022.

LA Sentinel

Check out our write up in the LA Sentinel for the Taste of Soul event we will be vending at on October 15, 2022.

Super G

Super G

We're so happy to partner with Google for a rendering of the "Super G" featuring our nail polish! This look was created using Chokecherry as the base, with Rodeo Drive,...

Super G

We're so happy to partner with Google for a rendering of the "Super G" featuring our nail polish! This look was created using Chokecherry as the base, with Rodeo Drive,...

"Black Owned Friday" - Google

"Black Owned Friday" - Google

We are proudly featured as one of the Black-owned businesses highlighted in Google's first shoppable film for Black Owned Friday! Catch us around the 1:45 mark. You can access the film...

"Black Owned Friday" - Google

We are proudly featured as one of the Black-owned businesses highlighted in Google's first shoppable film for Black Owned Friday! Catch us around the 1:45 mark. You can access the film...

"When to Say No" - Nasdaq

"When to Say No" - Nasdaq

Check out what our founder has to say about being a scaling startup during her conversation with Nasdaq here.

"When to Say No" - Nasdaq

Check out what our founder has to say about being a scaling startup during her conversation with Nasdaq here.

"Black in Business" - Good Morning America

"Black in Business" - Good Morning America

Check out our feature on Good Morning America for their "Black in Business" segment, highlighting Black-owned businesses.

"Black in Business" - Good Morning America

Check out our feature on Good Morning America for their "Black in Business" segment, highlighting Black-owned businesses.

"Self Care Isn't Selfish" - Anser

"Self Care Isn't Selfish" - Anser

Check out our discussion about self-care with Tia Mowry, founder of Anser vitamin brand. 

"Self Care Isn't Selfish" - Anser

Check out our discussion about self-care with Tia Mowry, founder of Anser vitamin brand.